

class KafkaStream[K,V](private val queue: BlockingQueue[FetchedDataChunk],
                    consumerTimeoutMs: Int,
                    private val keyDecoder: Decoder[K],
                    private val valueDecoder: Decoder[V],
                    val clientId: String)
extends Iterable[MessageAndMetadata[K,V]] with java.lang.Iterable[MessageAndMetadata[K,V]]

可以看到它本身就是一个iterator,其中的queue是用来存储从broker fetch到的数据的。该类的iterator()方法返回的是ConsumerIterator实例:

private val iter: ConsumerIterator[K,V] = new ConsumerIterator[K,V](queue, consumerTimeoutMs, keyDecoder, valueDecoder, clientId)


protected def makeNext(): MessageAndMetadata[K, V] = {
    var currentDataChunk: FetchedDataChunk = null
    // if we don't have an iterator, get one
    var localCurrent = current.get()
    if(localCurrent == null || !localCurrent.hasNext) {
      if (consumerTimeoutMs < 0)
        currentDataChunk = channel.take
      else {
        currentDataChunk = channel.poll(consumerTimeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
        if (currentDataChunk == null) {
          // reset state to make the iterator re-iterable
          throw new ConsumerTimeoutException
      if(currentDataChunk eq ZookeeperConsumerConnector.shutdownCommand) {
        debug("Received the shutdown command")
        return allDone
      } else {
        currentTopicInfo = currentDataChunk.topicInfo
        val cdcFetchOffset = currentDataChunk.fetchOffset
        val ctiConsumeOffset = currentTopicInfo.getConsumeOffset
        if (ctiConsumeOffset < cdcFetchOffset) {
          error("consumed offset: %d doesn't match fetch offset: %d for %s;\n Consumer may lose data"
            .format(ctiConsumeOffset, cdcFetchOffset, currentTopicInfo))
        localCurrent = currentDataChunk.messages.iterator

      // if we just updated the current chunk and it is empty that means the fetch size is too small!
      if(currentDataChunk.messages.validBytes == 0)
        throw new MessageSizeTooLargeException("Found a message larger than the maximum fetch size of this consumer on topic " +
                                               "%s partition %d at fetch offset %d. Increase the fetch size, or decrease the maximum message size the broker will allow."
                                               .format(currentDataChunk.topicInfo.topic, currentDataChunk.topicInfo.partitionId, currentDataChunk.fetchOffset))
    var item = localCurrent.next()
    // reject the messages that have already been consumed
    while (item.offset < currentTopicInfo.getConsumeOffset && localCurrent.hasNext) {
      item = localCurrent.next()
    consumedOffset = item.nextOffset

    item.message.ensureValid() // validate checksum of message to ensure it is valid

    new MessageAndMetadata(currentTopicInfo.topic, currentTopicInfo.partitionId, item.message, item.offset, keyDecoder, valueDecoder)


class State
object DONE extends State
object READY extends State
object NOT_READY extends State
object FAILED extends State


def hasNext(): Boolean = {
    if(state == FAILED)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Iterator is in failed state")
    state match {
      case DONE => false
        //不管有没有消息都是ready状态,保证了shallow iterator
      case READY => true
      case _ => maybeComputeNext()

def next(): T = {
      throw new NoSuchElementException()
    state = NOT_READY
    if(nextItem == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Expected item but none found.")

def maybeComputeNext(): Boolean = {
    state = FAILED
    nextItem = makeNext()
    if(state == DONE) {
    } else {
      state = READY

即当调用hasNext()方法时,初始状态为NOT_READY,通过case _ => maybeComputeNext()将状态设为READY,最后调用next()方法又将状态设为NOT_READY,这样保证了遍历器可以一直遍历下去。


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uohzoaix /
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